Monday, July 6, 2009

Oldest Bible goes online

Codex Sinaiticus(c.

Codex Sinaiticus - Image via Wikipedia

The world's oldest known Bible goes online next Monday. The early work known as the Codex Sinaiticus was divided in parts around the world and is 1600 years old. The ancient text is not the same as the modern one. Certain texts are missing such as the ones dealing with Jesus' resurrection.

When the manuscript was written in the middle of the fourth century there was wide but not complete agreement on which books should be considered authoritative, according to the web site where the Codex is posted.

The Codex includes some apocryphal books such as 2 Esdras, Tobit and Judith in the Old Testament. The New Testament portion includes the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas.

Here is the website where the Codex will be posted:

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The ideal of the home - a mini-cosmos


Right in the middle of all of us there is a potential ideal that once realized could change the world. The ideal world is not far away, is not contained in teachings of religions or ideologies of organizations -- it's right there and probably you are already living in it right now.

What is this wonderful paradise? Where could it be found? It is the ideal of the home. To understand this in the right way -- i don't mean anyone's home but i mean the ideal of a home that should be considered a minicosmos.

How could the home become the central element of an ideal world? It is when we understand what is hidden in the concept of the home and it will become a reality when we know how to make our homes to ideal homes.

First, a definition of the home. A home is a minicosmos because in your home you can find all elements of the macrocosm right at your fingertips. In a home, there are people, not just people, but the prototype of the smallest gathering of people in which all relations between people can be trained. In a home, there also are all elements of creation. There is a garden, a house, animals, plants, trees, all things, water, the air, the Earth, the stars, the Sun. In a home, there is your gate to the huge spiritual world. And once you make of your home the best possible place, you will pull down God's love and the Creator will live in your midst.

Most homes of today don't contain all elements i just listed. An apartment in a high-story building in a world city could hardly be called a home. A home needs a family with grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren and friends of that family. In that family, each of the members can practice to give love to all others. You can practice to give love to the eldest and to the youngest, to brothers and to sisters, to parents and to children, to wife and to husband, to friends and to the Creator. Here you have your practice ground to learn to love in all possible ways.

Then you have your house. Don't let your house be built by a professional with a lot of skill but little heart for you and your family! Build the house yourself, fitting the needs of all members of the family. Keep building and rebuilding it each time when a new baby is born or new fascinating tasks have come into your life. Grow your own vegetables, make your own flower garden, cook your own food, learn to do all these things and most of all, learn to do it the best way, with good love and putting the best energies into everything.

Learn to relate to your animals, train them, make them happy. Attract good spirits to your house of harmony, learn to relate to them, after all, many of them probably are your own ancestors. Learn to live in union of love with your grand grandmother and so forth.

Get knowledge about the influence of the sun and the moon and the stars on the growth of your garden, the strength of the medicines you harvest yourself, the daily course of events of your whole group.

You yourself are the center of all this, as each of your companions is as well. So you have to learn to master yourself, you must harmonize to fit into the needs of all others.

All you need to practice your love, to improve your skills, to increase your knowledge, to heighten your spirit, it's all there in that wonderful concept of the misunderstood home.

(Will be continued...)

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What is mind - spirit - brain?


This is going to be about confusion of terms and an effort to clear up. It's an old philosophical discussion of course, what these concepts mean. It's kind of hard to know what spirit is if you try to approach the topic from the viewpoint of a physical onlooker. I've spent some 30 years trying to figure out these things and hope that the result may be useful. I'm going to present these as facts, but you could consider it a theory or hypothesis, if you like.

The physical world is built up in three dimensions. We could add a fourth one, time. In the realm of the smallest entities, there appear to be still more dimensions, but that's not the world of our daily life. We live in three physical dimensions in a frame of time.

The three dimensions are actually more external dimensions, determining the world of creation in that we live. I make a difference between the words 'external' and 'physical' here. It will get more clear what is meant. The three dimensions are also in the spiritual realm, also there we have space and added to that time. The three dimensions of space are therefore not only physical, they are also spiritual.

In both the spiritual world and the physical world, there are the three dimensions of space and the element of time. These external dimensions show us something about how the universe is built. In space, we extend in three directions, the three dimensions, as they are: the horizontal dimension with a horizontal axis, the vertical dimension with a vertical axis, and the depth dimension with a depth axis. Then there is still the time dimension with the axis of time.

This external partition shows us the way for how the world is built on an internal level. Here also we have the three dimensions, extensions of ourselves also, in space, and the fourth dimension of time.

The first dimension is the vertical one. On the axis in this dimension are placed: the Creator - the heart of all creation - the mind - the body - the things. It applies to each of us, but also to all animals, plants and things. The structure is always the same. My mind is in my body. My body lives in a world of things and is even built out of things. The core of my mind is my heart of love, which is connected to the source, the Creator. God lives in my heart. My heart of love steers my mind of thoughts, feelings and plans. My mind operates in my body that lives in a world of created living beings and things.

The first dimension could also be called the religious dimension. Man stands in a relation to the Creator and to the created things. Religion means to have a good relation to the source, and it means to have a good relation to all things (the Earth).

The vertical dimension is ruled by love. Love is the energy that determines your relation to the Creator and to all other beings and things.

We come to the second dimension, which could be called the depth dimension (the directions of the dimensions are rather interchangeable, depending on the viewpoint you take as observer). This is the dimension of spiritual - physical. The driving element of this dimension is energy. Energy is also what binds the spiritual and the physical. The spiritual world is an expression of finer energies. The physical world is an expression of rougher energies.

The dimension of spirit-physic is also the one of creativity. It is by being creative that you expand your foundation in the physical world. Likewise, it is by learning how to be creative in the spiritual realm that your spiritual life will evolve.

The third dimension, the horizontal one, is that of positivity and negativity. All things are built as expressions or constitutions from positivity and negativity, for example, the charges in protons and electrons on the level of atoms. On the level of living beings, this dimension refers to masculinity and femininity. The driving element of this dimension is harmony. By harmonizing masculinity and femininity there comes about the most wonderful world of peace and happiness.

This is just a very comprehensive first introduction to the topic. It would need hundreds of pages to explain it better. For now, i want to return to the terms 'mind,' 'spirit' and 'brain.''

Brain: this is rather easy. It is a part of the physical body. Your mind expresses through the brain, but not only through the brain. The brain is like the chip in a computer. It is hardware, not software. The mind is the software. 'Brain' is a concept on the dimension spirit - physic. The brain is physical. Just like the chip in a computer, it consists out of myriad of connections.

Spirit: this is a concept on the same dimension. The spirit of man is the eternal element of your being. Your spirit exists in all the aspects that were mentioned for the vertical axis. You have a spiritual body that lives in a world of spiritual creations. In your spiritual body lives the spirit mind that is steered by the spirit heart of love centered on the Creator.

Your spirit means your whole spirit being. Brain is just one organ of the physical being.

Mind: this word comes from the first dimension, the vertical one. The mind is the seat of plans, thoughts and feelings. The mind expresses through the physical body, but more fundamentally, it expresses through the spirit as well. That means, like you have a spiritual body you have a physical body; and like you have a physical mind, you have a spiritual mind.

The physical mind can be compared to the instinct of animals. It is centered on survival of the physical body. The spiritual mind is centered on the future of the spiritual life.

The mind is the software in the computer. The computer is the physical body, with ears (microphone), limbs (robot), eyes (camera), brain (microchip). The spirit is the expression of physically invisible energies. The spirit is your vehicle for eternal life in the spiritual world. A physical computer usually does not have an independent spiritual life, but it has certain energies in it that are spiritually visible or sensible.

May 26, 2006

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An eye for an eye or forgiveness?

Some people manage to abuse any good principle that is given to them. I guess that if you want to be self-centered, you can easily bend any principle around until it suits you. Egoistic people make me angry, and they smell ugly too. Worst of all are those who hide their egoistic motives behind a cloth of religious fervor.

Let's look at two principles. The first is the 'eye for an eye' principle that is written in the Old Testament of the Bible (i properly capitalize). The second is the principle of forgiveness that is taught by most Christian groups.

I'm not diving into the sources from which the principles are quoted. I'll try to use good heart and good sense. If you don't like that don't read on.

What good principle could there be behind the phrase 'an eye for an eye'? I know that the adagio has been misused as justification to strike back on any enemy that purportedly hurt you. The Old Testament was written by people of old times. I think they were interested in where we came from and how we had to live. I assume they were serious people and were often inspired to write their texts. So assuming that from their good inspiration they meant something beneficial, what could it be?

If someone gives you an eye, give back an eye. If someone does you a good deed, do it back. If someone gives you love, give it back. Doesn't that sound much better?

If you stole an eye from someone, you owe that person an eye. If you stole from a people their land, you should return that land. If you stole from a people their culture, you should give it back to them and even learn from their traditions. If you took from The Earth its beauty and richness, you should be obliged to spend your life making the Earth whole again. If you became wealthy in an extraordinary way (of course Bill Gates is a million times better person and works a million times more than a hungry baby in a developing country...) you should not be obliged to give away just a percentage of your wealth but you should experience the same hunger for a time, just so you know again what life really is.

What about forgiveness? Forgiveness is a much more elevated principle than the Old-Testament spirit of requital, Christians tell us to believe. It's a question to me whether the practice of forgiveness has really been introduced by Christians, but let's look at the principle behind. Suppose you did something wrong, would forgiveness mean that you don't have to pay retribution for it?

Let's look at the crime that people destroyed so many of the trees of the Earth. Your own children suffer because the trees are away. Now you say you are sorry and you are forgiven, assumingly because of a certain principle of salvation. But what about the trees? Are they back? Is the Earth healthy again? Do your children have a good life now because you have been saved?

Forgiveness surely can't be that simple. Let's take the principle in a different meaning. You cut the trees, you sold them for money and didn't care what it meant for everyone who needed the trees. Now you must bring back the trees, restore the soil of the Earth, cleanse the polluted air and spend a whole lot of time to make your children happy where you first made them unhappy. When you have done that all and you have really understood how wrong you did, then forgiveness means that nobody talks anymore about the pains and suffering you have once inflicted. You are forgiven by your victims for what you did once wrong. You are forgiven by God, by your fellow men, your children. They all love you again. Maybe most important of all, you can love yourself again. What a beautiful principle of forgiveness!

May 25, 2006

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Hidden horrors of the past

Do you know of the hidden horrors of the past?

Did you think that Dracula, werewolves or witches are nightmares?

Then listen to this.

Older than the Sun they were, round and somehow funny.

Crept into your mind they did, floated around and made you dizzy.

Made you want to do things that you did not want to do.

Once you did it you never knew again what you wanted.

Inspirited galaxies far from here.

Controlled our own milky way nothing less.

In cosmic wars they were involved

Actually just star makers, they were.

Winged creatures, flying around, making the things, later life

Billions of years went by, many generations passed.

The Earth was barren still and cold, only tiny creatures did enfold.

Wars between them ended in armistice

Ever-repeating were their fights.

Several generations of them made their impact

Some of them learned to control and make others die.

Artificial intelligence, invented long before we existed

It happened what is feared in star wars

The robots took over, learned to take lives

One of them made it to steal 9 billion times a soul.

The winged creatures made a decision

They thought it is better to prevent collision.

A council of crime was committed to take over

Made generations of people that did not live long.

They wrought civilizations, long before ours.

Controlled the energies, the lights and much more.

The Earth did protest and wipe out these cities.

Yet smart as they were they flew high up and took again over.

Midgets were created, and then again Giants

They roamed the earth but could not take over.

For all there was a purpose, always they wanted more.

Man came, real man, but did not know of what was leftover.

The winged creatures, the funny globe-rollers, and so many others

Fought battle upon battle upon battle.

Laid the Earth under a network of wires

Plugged them into the long-distance communication network

Some minds were set in glasses, spirits bound to stones

You did what you had to but not what you wanted.

High-tech computers are no new invention

Today we use them with physics, but the principle is from spirits

Beware of the places where they say to heal your body

Sick you come there but empty you leave

All energies taken, stolen for use of the wings

The reincarnating strangers, artificial yet looking so human.

This was the story of slavery, that began in ages far back

Our shackles are bound into the soil when it was just created.

Sorry i tell this in pictures, associations and metaphors

It could be told plainly, with simple straight words

Make a plunge and flounder and you will find what's behind.

May 24, 2006

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Materialism is an illness - poem


Materialism is an illness

That makes our hearts get cold in frozen stillness

Are we just monkeys

That eat and fuck and fight like warring donkeys?

The body wants to satisfy

The greed and lust for power that never die

It must be we are fooled

By those out to control us so we are ruled

Solution lies in working, doing what we are meant to do

Sanctification comes from raising, standing up against those who boo

Benediction grows in lulling, resting in a state of holiness

Immortificaton is in igniting, flaring up for right nothing less

The spirit is no illness

It raises our hearts, lifts them up from broken stillness

Nothing against monkeys

But i just don't want to be one of these zombies

The spirit wants to satisfy

The greed and lust for love that never die

Not longer to be fooled

But out to control myself so i cannot be ruled

May 23, 2006

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Material blessing proof of God's love?

Greed album coverImage via Wikipedia


There is a widespread belief among many who call themselves faithful that the wealth they gathered is proof of God's love for them. I don't recall the exact quotations from which they derive such belief, but it goes more or less in the line that God blesses the ones who are faithful, or blesses those who follow God's laws.

There seems to be a quite big problem with this thinking. I do also believe that God will bless a person who does right. But if we take this in a simple way we are forced to the conclusion that all poor and miserable people would be in their condition because they or their ancestors did once sin. All rich people would be rich because they did right. It surely cannot be that simple. It is actually rather outrageous to make such simple, i would say fundamentalist statements.

So let's assume that God blesses those who are faithful. But what does blessing mean? What would God mean with blessing a person? A person who wants to get rich considers wealth to be a blessing. A person who wants to get powerful considers power to be a blessing. A person who wants to get knowledgeable considers knowledge to be the blessing. Again someone else would find it a great blessing to get many children. People have all kind of opinions about 'blessings' but what matters is what God would consider to be a blessing for us.

Let's do some thought experiments. Suppose a person is addicted to the desire for money. That person goes to church and follows all the rites of his or her religion. The person really likes money and works hard and cheats a little, all within the law of course, and gathers great wealth. The person considers all the riches the result of doing right, of having the right faith. I imagine that God could desire that such person would lose all the money and becomes homeless; after many years the person comes to his or her self and finds out that the greed for money did destroy his or her inner life. I imagine that God would consider it to be a blessing that this person would lose all money and come to a deeper understanding of life.

So in this case God could consider it to be a blessing that a person loses all money, but the person thinks that blessing means getting more money. Rather complicated! Did i say now that all poor and hungry people are in such condition because they once did sin? No, i am not saying that at all. I believe people have a responsibility to care for each other. Some people may get wretched because they were lazy, others may loose their wealth and well-being because others did them wrong -- there could be so many reasons for that.

It's a common way of thinking of certain believers that God gave them wealth to use it in a responsible way. Yes, if you get something from God, you should be responsible for it, but what if you didn't get it from God but you stole it? What would then be your responsibility? It seems rather clear that in that case you should return to the owner what you stole.

There are so many ways of stealing. Many governments steal and have stolen by causing inflation of currencies in some way. They just steal a little bit from each person. Many banks and large corporations do the same. They just take a tiny something from many. Nobody notices it. The banks' owners use their money to influence politics. They get a good name, are respected, but some or more of them may actually be thieves. Instead of discontinuing to steal they make large donations to some kind of charity. Now they are not only thieves but also falsely hailed as famous saints.

The practiced principles of the religions that dominate today's world are clearly incapable of enough judging such misdoings and setting them straight.

May 22, 2006

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Some thoughts about eternity

The KingfisherImage by aussiegall via Flickr


How are we going to find out if eternity is a reality? It's an intriguing question and i'll try to formulate some thoughts about it.

If we believe in a physical reality only, the question is superfluous. Our physical bodies die after a lifetime of some 60 to 100 years. Who cares what comes after you when you're anyway non-existent in a few years from now? So, eternity, when it exists, must be connected to the spiritual reality.

What is the spiritual reality? The spiritual reality cannot be proven by experiments or observations or laws of the physical world. The physical is the physical and the spiritual is the spiritual. When we conduct inquiries about spiritual phenomena in the physical world, approaching the subject with scientific methods that are usually applied to physical phenomena, we can be sure to not get any deeper insights. At best we might get some understanding of people who have spiritual experiences and an overview of the mysteries of the paranormal. Always doubt arises then. Maybe the person did not experience anything, but just imagined it. Maybe it's possible to explain the phenomenon as a magical trick. One doesn't really get anything further in that way.

The spiritual reality can only be understood while yourself being in the spiritual reality. I believe we are spiritual beings in addition to having physical bodies and a physical life. To understand about the spiritual reality we must use our spiritual senses. The problem here is that many people haven't developed their spiritual senses. They do have them, but they just haven't learned to use them well.

Everyone experiences dreams. Of course, they can be explained as outcomes from brain functions. But what about dreams that prophecy the future, as some dreams do? What about some mediums who appear to have correct information they couldn't have gotten from physical sources? What about those who have seen spirits? And what about the meaning of life? Why do many people believe in something that extends the physical reality? Why are many people religious? How could such concepts exist and such experiences occur at all if people were only physical beings?

To me it is clear that there is a spiritual reality. The question is only what this spiritual reality entails. From here on i must tell you about my own experiences. I cannot prove anything. I can just tell you about some of my observations that are very real to me.

The spiritual reality is one that exists on top of physical life. There is a factor though that binds and unites the spiritual world with the physical world. That factor is energy. Love is also a form of energy, it could be called the highest form of energy. Everyone knows that love is very real. You cannot explain love with physical terms. Of course, love expresses into physical actions, but love is much more than just that. Love can be felt on a distance. I can feel the love of someone in America who is far away from me. I can also feel it when someone hates me. I don't need physical proof for such things.

The spiritual world is in essence the world of love. We also could call the spiritual reality the world of creative energies. When you are a deeply loving and creative person, the spiritual world will open to you.

What is love worth when you know that one day the object of your love will disappear? It cannot be that your love will just die out because there comes an end to existence. In the nature of love is embedded the concept of eternity.

Nothing can be proven here, but we can nevertheless be absolutely sure. We cannot be sure that the physical world will continue to exist as we know it. The earth might one day be struck by a gigantic meteorite that extinguishes this planet forever. But there is the reality of my love and there is the certainty of the spiritual existence and the eternity of my spiritual reality.

May 21, 2006

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The question of good and evil

The question of good and evil is probably the oldest occupying the mind of man. If God created the universe, this question can only be answered by taking Gods viewpoint. Of course, I have to imagine taking Gods viewpoint, because I am a man, a created being.
I can only tell you what I believe about God. I believe this about God as this faith was the outcome of my serious meditation and prayer. I cannot prove to you it is true. It's open to you what you believe. This is what I believe.
God created the universe from Gods desire to love. Imagine you're all alone, then you want someone to who you can give out your love. The Creator wanted to give out love, wanted to create a universe to give love to. Creativity and the desire to give out love are very much the same. When you love someone, you want to make that person happy, you want to make that person blossom, and you want to create something for that person. You love a person and from your loving heart ideas sprout how to make that person happy.
I believe God is like that and I believe that Gods creativity and desire to make happy form the deepest motivation behind the formation of the entire universe.
Im still trying to take Gods viewpoint. When you created something, let's say a beautiful painting, you put your love into it, you want the painting to shine out and give good feelings to people watching it, and someone comes with a brush with tar and puts black dots all over your painting. Now your painting doesn't give joy anymore. You feel pain deep in your heart. Your efforts are wasted, your creative expression smeared with smudge, -- its just horrible.
One day God made a banana. I imagine God (he/she) was thinking a banana had to be delicious for small children, not too sour, and soft because small children dont have teeth yet, protected by a nice skin, fitting into your hands. Of course, I am imagining this and cannot prove it, but a banana gives me that feeling. I don't want to go into the arguments of evolutionists or their opponents. I don't state anything against either group. I'm approaching the topic from the viewpoint of love, of Gods love I suppose.
God created people. It's fine to give your love to a flower, its nice to give your love to animals, but to give your love to people beats everything. It must be very challenging, even to God. People speak back, have their opinion about everything and may even tell you that you dont exist. How are you going to give your love to someone who bluntly tells you that you dont exist? You made the Sun shine on that person, configured the Earth as a womb for that persons birth, and then that person tells you that you dont exist!
Feeling and imagining God to be like that, I get a grasp of what goodness means. Goodness has to mean everything that's done in line with Gods original creative desire. Such good deeds will also reinforce good intentions of other people, The opposite, evil, is when something is done that destroys Gods original desire of creativity and love.
Please note, I haven't said anything about whom or what in daily life must be considered to be evil. I am just stating a principle. I'm not going to translate that principle to apply it to daily life, because I believe that's a very complicated and tricky thing altogether. How often the best among us were treated as evil and how often those who trampled upon the happiness of others were hailed as saints.
May 20, 2006

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Spiritual eyes

With our physical eyes we see the physical world, which is the world of condensed energies. Everything in the universe is essentially energy. When energy is condensed into particles into atoms into molecules into materials into things with form and shape, we get the physical world as it is known to us.
Already in the physical world we know of the existence of invisible energies. These energies are invisible to our physical eyes, but are not invisible for other instruments. The sun emits ultraviolet light that is invisible for our eyes, but our skin responds to it by getting a tan. One could argue that the skin is a sense that is capable of seeing ultraviolet light. Infrared light is also not visible to our eyes as light, but our whole body acts as a sense and feels infrared light as heat.
Invisible is a very relative concept. What is invisible for our eyes may be visible for other senses. Radioactive energy has a strong impact on our bodies. Also this type of energy cannot be directly seen with the eyes, but we are sure it exists because we have devices, detectors to measure this kind of radiation. People who ignore the presence of radioactivity could get very sick.
Our physical eyes are an instrument to sense certain forms of energy, light within a certain range of frequencies. Our physical ears observe energy with another range of frequencies, which we call sound. Many more kind of energies exists of which our physical body is not immediately aware. A group of these energies exist in the realm of what we call the spiritual world.
Our physical eyes cannot see the spiritual world, as our physical eyes can also not see radioactive beams. That our physical eyes are incapable of seeing the spiritual world doesn't say anything about the existence of a spiritual world. The spiritual world can only be seen with our spiritual eyes. The spiritual world can only be heard with our spiritual ears.
How do we know that we have spiritual eyes and spiritual ears and many more spiritual senses? Our physical senses cannot see the spiritual world and they can therefore also not confirm or deny the existence of a spiritual world. That a deaf person doesn't hear someone screaming fails to prove that nobody is screaming.
Spiritual eyes, like all senses, need training to function properly. Some people see many things in spirit world, for others the spiritual world is non-existent. A certain degree of heredity appears to be involved as well. A musician's ears are trained to hear many details in a music performance. It takes many years for your musical ears to be trained well. It could take much longer to train your spiritual senses.
We do actually have three spiritual eyes. Two of our spiritual eyes are located where our physical eyes are. A third spiritual eye is just above the nose and between the eyebrows. The two normal spiritual eyes see in spirit world what is comparative to what our physical eyes see in the physical world. The normal spiritual eyes can see spirits and things and movements in spirit world. The third eye observes the world of energies. You can see with the third eye while your normal eyes are closed.
This is just an introduction to the topic. To understand more deeply about the functioning of spiritual senses, we should also know more about for example chakras and auras. It's a most lengthy topic.
May 19, 2006

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To skeptics - about God

This is for those who think they know that God does not exist. It is also for those who believe in God but find it hard to find an answer to skeptic arguments of unbelievers.
This will be a little complicated. If you dont like complicated arguments then just skip this. If you know the Creator, this is not for you.
I will apply logic here though I know that God is beyond logic. But there are those who believe that logic could prove Gods non-existence.
Either God exists or God does not exist. If God does not exist, then we cannot prove anything about God. We can also not prove that God does not exist. How could you prove that someone doesnt exist? Even you search God in the whole universe and you dont find God, there might be another universe that you dont know of.
If so-called logical people get anywhere they have to prove that the statement that God exists is untrue. They have to falsify the notion of the existence of God.
What if God does exist? Then God is the Creator, which is what we mean with God, at least that is what is meant here with God. When God is the Creator, then God also created time. Time is a created thing. Time is not absolute. Time is related to mass and speed. Like all created entities, time is a relative concept.
Furthermore, scientists believe that the universe came to existence in a big bang. That big bang took place in an extremely short time period. For the point of argument it doesnt matter how short it took, important is that it took time. Before the big bang, there was no universe and there was no time. With the coming into being of the universe, in the big bang, also time appeared.
So time is a created entity. Before the universe existed and before time existed, there was what? What was there? From the logical viewpoint there could have been a creator, but there could also have been none. How could one prove that a creator does not exist? Could anyone enter a world in which there is no time and there are no things? Can anyone comprehend that with a logical mind?
We cannot also not logically prove that God created the universe and time. Though that notion makes much sense to me, I cannot prove that God created the universe. That is because we cannot even think about an existence without time.
If God is anything, God is beyond the level of our logic and of our thinking in time and space. Those who want to prove that God does not exist have to prove that it cannot be true that there was a God before the making of the universe and time. But they cannot prove that. If God is God, God is anyway above time and other created entities.
The statement that God exists cannot be falsified.The conclusion is that logic leads us nowhere. Logic can only tell us that one cannot disprove God logically, but one can also not logically prove Gods existence.Why is that? If God is anything, then God is beyond human logic. God actually created human logic. If the concept of God has any meaning then God has to be above human logic. And logic is not an instrument to prove the existence or non-existence of anything. Logic is only an instrument in a world where things already are.
Now could I know anything about God?Logic can neither prove Gods existence nor Gods nonexistence. But how do we prove the existence of for example a far star? All we see is some light. We conclude there is a star because we see light. Our observations, not logic, tell us that there is a star. Something that comes from the star, light, tells us that the star exists.
Something coming from God the Creator tells us that God exists.When you close your eyes you dont see the stars and there is no way of knowing about stars.When we close our senses for God, we have no way of knowing about God.
When God is The Creator, and nobody could prove God is not, then God is the most important being we should have a relationship to. Then we should make effort to find that relation to God. Its a shame if we never tried.
If you seriously try to make a relation to God and you dont experience anything, then you have the right to deny God. But if you never made effort to find God, to discover God, then you have no right of speaking about God.
God comes to you in your experiences of searching for God, like when you find a star when you look up to the sky. In your experiences of desiring for God you find out more about God. Then you can speak about your experiences with God. They are most precious, most valuable and far beyond the logical realm in which some unbelievers try to break your faith.
May 18, 2006

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Fighting against bad energies

Bad energies can be a real plague. One would wish that there were a simple solution to not be influenced by them. But it is because of the nature of love that we don't only feel good energies but also bad energies.
Bad energies always are a product of bad love. If people feel something against you or want to do something against you, they send all kind of bad energies, which all are results of hatred or bad love. As far as i know, it is not possible to learn to not feel them. Of course, one can give up spiritual life, become insensitive like a stone and the problem is gone. The more you live in a world of love, the more sensitive you become for bad energies.
You can try to shield yourself off. This helps when you come in a bad environment, but to shield yourself off for a person and having a relation to that same person at the same time is a contradiction.
I heard that some believe that you can digest or eat bad energies with your spiritual stomach. It probably is possible. I never tried it out. I don't want to take in bad energies because they won't make me any better.
To feel bad energy from a person means that you made a relation to that person. If you don't make any relation to that person, his or her bad energies can't come into you. But then you can also not give out love to that person.
Very often the bad energy doesn't come from the person's own spirit, but it comes from evil spirits that haunt, attack or possess the person living in a body. Maybe the spirits use the person to attack you.Sometimes a person near to you is attacked and picked up some of the bad energy. You yourself might pick up bad energy and someone may feel that.
To get rid of the bad energy one has to judge the cause of the energy and the nature of the energy. The cause of the energy is in a person or in one or more spirits. The cause might also be bad objects or places that got filled with bad energy in the past. The nature of the bad energy is the type of self-centeredness, for example, hatred, self-pity, negative thinking, jealousy, etc. Each type of bad energy has its own smell and color. It is part of going the path of development to learn to distinguish these energies. It goes together with experiencing all kind of pains. They are mainly pains of the heart of love.
Some very evil spirits have collected bad energies and stored them on secret places. If they want to attack you for one reason or another, they may use such bad energies against you. It's very difficult to do something against such attacks.

May 16, 2006

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The New Cosmos 7: A possible shadow side of positive thinking

Optimists see the world as a benevolent place.Image via Wikipedia

It is popular nowadays to determine your own future by thinking in a positive manner. There exist many forms of this kind of teaching to adopt an attitude of having faith in your own good future, of believing yourself to be a great person of love, of understanding the universe to be essentially filled with love etc.

I am sure that most of you can fill out names for these kinds of teaching and training. It doesn't matter how these are called, but there is a danger here that i want to point out.

Although there is spoken about love, what is being taught is that one needs to condition one's mind in a certain way. You should believe that you are love, you should think that problems don't exist, you should allow only thoughts of having a good future, etc. This kind of teaching promotes to condition your own mind in a certain way.

Deeper than the mind is the heart of love. Whatever we think or feel or plan with our mind, it always is based on deeper intentions. When there is spoken about love and light and your own happiness, there seems to be nothing wrong with this. Indeed, there doesn't need to be anything wrong with thinking positively and having faith in yourself, except when there is a separation or breach with the real condition of your heart.

There can be a difference between really loving the Creator and loving people on the one side and speaking about love and positive thinking on the other side. In the latter case the love may not be so real as it seems to be.

We need to check whether positive thoughts are basically meant to improve our own situation or whether they are truly benign, because we want a better world for others before we wish it for ourselves.

It is easy to fool yourself by believing that because you speak and think about love all the time, there would not be problems hidden inside of your heart. Without making clear to yourself such problems of the heart, the love that is promoted may prove to be superficial.

To heal our heart is like healing any disease: It is not enough to only mask or soothen the symptoms. We need to go to the core of an illness in order to establish real healing.

From: Cosmic Eagles - - February 12, 2009

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The New Cosmos 6: Spiritual darkness

Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337), Cappella Scrove...Image via Wikipedia

Sometimes clouds of spiritual darkness hang over us.

What is spiritual darkness? It is an energy field that is caused by spiritual actions that don't give hope for a better world. Spiritual darkness is felt by people who are spiritually sensitive and it feels as if dark clouds are hanging over us and as if there is no hope anymore for the future. In such circumstances it is much more difficult to be inspired to do what is good.

Spiritual darkness is always a result of past and ongoing events.

Sometimes spiritual darkness is more personal and is only felt by one person. Sometimes dark spiritual clouds hang over a nation or over the entire world. For example, in times that unjust wars are being waged, many people desiring for goodness become a bit depressed and this can be felt by everyone.

Sometimes people cause their own spiritual darkness because they did something that closed their doors of good development. Whenever spiritual darkness hangs over us, it is advisable to check yourself if you haven't caused it yourself.

If spiritual darkness is caused by something outside of yourself, it is essential to not lose your faith in a good God and a good future. It may be necessary to just go through the darkness and when you keep doing what is right, sunnier days will come.

Some people try to escape spiritual darkness by plunging themselves into physical pleasures. That will never solve the problem. Such people may not feel the darkness anymore, but they will get less and less sensitive to spiritual atmospheres and eventually they may lose their desire for spiritual life.

From: Cosmic Eagles - - February 11, 2009

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The New Cosmos 5: Spiritual differences between nations and tribes

right to self-determinationImage by Keith Bacongco via Flickr

Compare the nations of this world with tribes of native peoples.

Most nations of the world are controlled by elected government officials. They usually make their way with the help of political parties and are frequently financially supported by business corporations, corporate media and organized religions. We don't expect much wisdom from them. We are almost never sitting at their feet for spiritual guidance.

In many native tribes leaders are chosen because everyone respects their experience in human relations and often their knowledge in relation to the Creator and the spiritual world. Tribe members are honored to learn from the wisdom of their elders.

Of course, not all governments of nations are always simply bad and not all native tribes are just good. But there is a definite spiritual difference here. What is this spiritual difference?

While a tribe naturally has grown out of human families, a nation is almost always the artificial product of battle and conquest. Either a new nation was formed because a larger empire conquered them, or later again, nations came into existence as split-offs from such a larger empire. Other nations are formed because one tribe gains external power over others. Exceptions to this demonstrate the rule.

In spirit world, nations are governed by angels. Tribes are governed by human spirits.

The angels that control nations are usually helped by human spirits who accept these angels as their leaders. In tribes, human spirits who are leading the tribes are very often helped by angels, but the angels usually are not in control.

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The New Cosmos 4: Conception of a newborn human spirit

A human ovumImage via Wikipedia

How is a new human spiritual being created, a new unique human spiritual being?

People have both spiritual and physical aspects. The spirit of a person dwells in the vehicle or instrument we call physical body. The physical body of a person is conceived when a male sperm cell unites with a female egg cell. This is a physical process and it can even be done nowadays in a process not involving any love, in a laboratory, such as by in vitro fertilization.

New-created human beings are the product of the love of their parents. From physical love comes a physical creation. From spiritual love comes a spiritual creation.

What happens when a new child is conceived but the deed of conception was a mere physical one?

I leave the question open for you to ponder, but i will say the following:

A spiritual newly created being is the outcome of the spiritual love of a man uniting with the spiritual love of a woman. There needs to be an action of spiritual uniting that is equivalent to the physical sexual deed.

I will also still add this: Reincarnation of human spirits becomes a necessity after people lost their understanding of the spiritual aspect of life.

These are just some introductory thoughts into a subject about which very much needs to be discovered and realized so that we as human beings will be able to reach our final purpose of becoming creative, spiritually enveloped beings under the love of God.

Cosmic Eagles - February 6, 2009

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The New Cosmos 3: When trusting fails

As a response to my blog/bulletin "The New Cosmos 1: Trust is given" some friends told me about the problem that it is sometimes difficult to trust people. I often get this response when i write about the need to trust others. Many people have frustrating experiences after they gave their trust to friends. Another frequently mentioned problem is that it is difficult to connect to your own heart, that the head seems to take over. What to do when we are getting 'too much in our head' and we find it difficult to trust people?

There are three levels on which this problem can be caused and needs to be solved.

1. Are we having loving relationships with people who are taking advantage of us but we are not enough aware of this? If this is the case, our heart will be influenced and on a subconscious level we might find it hard to trust people. Deep in our heart we know that something is wrong, but we haven't yet made clear where the problem lies.

2. It could be that we are influenced by wrong teaching, or that we misunderstand good teaching. For example there are teachings in the world that profess that all love is good, yet we all know that sometimes people give love in order to tempt us to do something wrong. Some teachings are advocating such kind of love, a love that is not centred on the Creator. These kind of teachings pull us away from our heart of trust and love and makes the intellect to be dominant over the heart.

3. A third level is that of actions. When we speak or write about doing good things but we don't really practice it in our lives, we will find that our intellect takes over more and more. We speak about love and peace but don't really practice it in our own lives. Each of us has a God-given task in life. Only when we are aware of this task and give ourselves for it, we can safeguard the beauty of love that is deep in the heart of each one of us.

Cosmic Eagles - February 6, 2009

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The New Cosmos 2: Restoration of a nation (the US)

Disney - Main Street USA Panoramic (Explored)Image by Joe Penniston @WDW 6/13-6/20 via Flickr

When a person, a tribe, a nation assumes a false identity, that means that the person, tribe or nation does what
is wrong, there comes need for restoration. The process of restoration is always the same: there will first come a split. The person may split in spirit and body, that means that the spirit cannot anymore control the physical life of the person. The tribe or nation splits in one or more parts.

Always when this happens, the goal is reunification, but certain principles need to be followed for this. These principles are that the more heavenly spirit, the factions of a tribe, the
groups in a nation who want to do good, must become stronger in their efforts and more pure in their identity. The physical body, the factions of a tribe or nation that brought harm, most often these are the controlling powers, must separate themselves from what is selfish and wrong. On that basis, restoration of the original person, tribe or nation can take place. When this process of
restoration is done well, the good and original groups and tribes need to take more responsibility in a transformed and reborn tribe or nation.

Of course, when a nation was originally founded as a dominating empire, it is not desirable that the empire is going to be reinstituted. Instead, the native tribes that once were conquered
by that empire must strive for independence.

Presently we see that several native tribes living on American soul have declared or are declaring their sovereignty.
Also several states are in the process of acquiring independence. This shows that restoration of Turtle Island is on the way, but for now, the ruling powers of evil domination are still strong. There is much hope for the future yet we will have to go through much turmoil still before a new and stable and good situation will come.

Cosmic Eagles - February 5, 2009

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The New Cosmos 1: Trust is given

All life, all love begins with
giving. When we meet someone new, we start with giving. To trust someone, that
is to give trust to someone, is a giving act.

When we meet a new person, a possible
friend, a teacher maybe, a potential lover, it is essential to begin the
relationship by giving trust. Trust means that you believe that the person is
essentially good, essentially having good intentions.

As humans, we all are children of the
Creator. Each of us has a core of goodness. We can trust other people because
they are essentially good. Really!

Of course, trust can be betrayed.
Some people don't deserve our trust, but still, when meeting people it is better
to trust that their goodness will come out.

Some people find it very difficult to
give trust to others. They begin with distrusting. They spy on a new friend,
they come with critical questions trying to figure out a person.

That basically is a wrong attitude.
Either you begin a relationship with giving, or you start out with distrust. To
have trust is a giving act. To have distrust is an asking act.

It is impossible for a person to
prove that he or she can be trusted. Nobody can prove to be trustworthy. We can
only confirm that we are trustworthy.

Love grows on trust. Love that is
given on a basis of distrust is no good love. It is a demanding and selfish

Cosmic Eagles - February 4, 2009

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Links to Cosmic Eagles' blogs about history and this age

The New Cosmos 14 - United tribes vs global control

The New Cosmos 12 - Straight talk about this time

The New Cosmos 8: The coming 2 decades for the world

The New Cosmos 2: Restoration of a nation (the US)

Constantine’s Sword - documentary by James Carroll

Liberty: The American Revolution (4 videos)

Will giants return to the earth? - Transhumanism in past and present

The fight for health freedom (on the Codex Alimentarius)     

My dear friends 134: Are we going to be globally controlled?


Video: Earth passing through galactic plane 




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Links to Cosmic Eagles' blogs about economics

These links lead to blogs published about the above topic

For links to all other blogs see lists on profile

This will be updated regularly


The New Cosmos 16 -  Why are inventions sold for money?

The New Cosmos 13 - From alienated producing to sacred sharing

The New Cosmos 10 - Working for large corporations?

The New Cosmos 9: Fields of life to be incorporated into     economic thought

My dear friends 136: What is money? Back to the basics

Video: Money as Debt (by Paul Grignon - 2006)

My dear friends 133: Beyond the economic crisis

My dear friends 132: The purification of money

My dear friends 131: Money

If i were a smart banker...

My dear friends 129: On the present economic chaos



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Links to Cosmic Eagles' blogs about natives and ancient life

Links to blogs about natives and ancient life

These links lead to blogs published about the above topic.

For links to all other blogs see lists on profile

This will be updated regularly

The New Cosmos 5: Spiritual differences between nations and tribes

Penetrating video with Tibetan photos and music

My dear friends 110: Native cultures in the perspective of history of the world and the cosmos

My dear friends 99: Natives indispensable in today’s world

My dear friends 94: Natural unity and the right to exist for sovereign nations

My dear friends 92: A native 2,000 years ago




Check out this video: Life in the Stone Age

Pictures of Area of Stone-Age Tribe Holland



Check out this video: Sacred Temples of the Stone Age




























Some Bearded Chaps Are Meeting Tonight












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Links to Cosmic Eagles' blogs about trees and the Earth

These links lead to blogs published about the above topic.

For links to all other blogs see lists on profile

This will be updated regularly


My dear friends 142: Some tree exercises

My dear friends 141: Mid-ocean ridges and clouds and steamed     buns....

The dying of the trees (video)

Some energies around a Sacred Tree and Stone Temple

Check out this video: The trees are watching us...





Forest videos 








Video Earthing a Tree


The Story of the Trees (written for children)






Check out this video: Heaven and Earth 




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