Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To skeptics - about God

This is for those who think they know that God does not exist. It is also for those who believe in God but find it hard to find an answer to skeptic arguments of unbelievers.
This will be a little complicated. If you dont like complicated arguments then just skip this. If you know the Creator, this is not for you.
I will apply logic here though I know that God is beyond logic. But there are those who believe that logic could prove Gods non-existence.
Either God exists or God does not exist. If God does not exist, then we cannot prove anything about God. We can also not prove that God does not exist. How could you prove that someone doesnt exist? Even you search God in the whole universe and you dont find God, there might be another universe that you dont know of.
If so-called logical people get anywhere they have to prove that the statement that God exists is untrue. They have to falsify the notion of the existence of God.
What if God does exist? Then God is the Creator, which is what we mean with God, at least that is what is meant here with God. When God is the Creator, then God also created time. Time is a created thing. Time is not absolute. Time is related to mass and speed. Like all created entities, time is a relative concept.
Furthermore, scientists believe that the universe came to existence in a big bang. That big bang took place in an extremely short time period. For the point of argument it doesnt matter how short it took, important is that it took time. Before the big bang, there was no universe and there was no time. With the coming into being of the universe, in the big bang, also time appeared.
So time is a created entity. Before the universe existed and before time existed, there was what? What was there? From the logical viewpoint there could have been a creator, but there could also have been none. How could one prove that a creator does not exist? Could anyone enter a world in which there is no time and there are no things? Can anyone comprehend that with a logical mind?
We cannot also not logically prove that God created the universe and time. Though that notion makes much sense to me, I cannot prove that God created the universe. That is because we cannot even think about an existence without time.
If God is anything, God is beyond the level of our logic and of our thinking in time and space. Those who want to prove that God does not exist have to prove that it cannot be true that there was a God before the making of the universe and time. But they cannot prove that. If God is God, God is anyway above time and other created entities.
The statement that God exists cannot be falsified.The conclusion is that logic leads us nowhere. Logic can only tell us that one cannot disprove God logically, but one can also not logically prove Gods existence.Why is that? If God is anything, then God is beyond human logic. God actually created human logic. If the concept of God has any meaning then God has to be above human logic. And logic is not an instrument to prove the existence or non-existence of anything. Logic is only an instrument in a world where things already are.
Now could I know anything about God?Logic can neither prove Gods existence nor Gods nonexistence. But how do we prove the existence of for example a far star? All we see is some light. We conclude there is a star because we see light. Our observations, not logic, tell us that there is a star. Something that comes from the star, light, tells us that the star exists.
Something coming from God the Creator tells us that God exists.When you close your eyes you dont see the stars and there is no way of knowing about stars.When we close our senses for God, we have no way of knowing about God.
When God is The Creator, and nobody could prove God is not, then God is the most important being we should have a relationship to. Then we should make effort to find that relation to God. Its a shame if we never tried.
If you seriously try to make a relation to God and you dont experience anything, then you have the right to deny God. But if you never made effort to find God, to discover God, then you have no right of speaking about God.
God comes to you in your experiences of searching for God, like when you find a star when you look up to the sky. In your experiences of desiring for God you find out more about God. Then you can speak about your experiences with God. They are most precious, most valuable and far beyond the logical realm in which some unbelievers try to break your faith.
May 18, 2006

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