Thursday, June 18, 2009

The New Cosmos 4: Conception of a newborn human spirit

A human ovumImage via Wikipedia

How is a new human spiritual being created, a new unique human spiritual being?

People have both spiritual and physical aspects. The spirit of a person dwells in the vehicle or instrument we call physical body. The physical body of a person is conceived when a male sperm cell unites with a female egg cell. This is a physical process and it can even be done nowadays in a process not involving any love, in a laboratory, such as by in vitro fertilization.

New-created human beings are the product of the love of their parents. From physical love comes a physical creation. From spiritual love comes a spiritual creation.

What happens when a new child is conceived but the deed of conception was a mere physical one?

I leave the question open for you to ponder, but i will say the following:

A spiritual newly created being is the outcome of the spiritual love of a man uniting with the spiritual love of a woman. There needs to be an action of spiritual uniting that is equivalent to the physical sexual deed.

I will also still add this: Reincarnation of human spirits becomes a necessity after people lost their understanding of the spiritual aspect of life.

These are just some introductory thoughts into a subject about which very much needs to be discovered and realized so that we as human beings will be able to reach our final purpose of becoming creative, spiritually enveloped beings under the love of God.

Cosmic Eagles - February 6, 2009

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