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Sometimes clouds of spiritual darkness hang over us.What is spiritual darkness? It is an energy field that is caused by spiritual actions that don't give hope for a better world. Spiritual darkness is felt by people who are spiritually sensitive and it feels as if dark clouds are hanging over us and as if there is no hope anymore for the future. In such circumstances it is much more difficult to be inspired to do what is good.
Spiritual darkness is always a result of past and ongoing events.
Sometimes spiritual darkness is more personal and is only felt by one person. Sometimes dark spiritual clouds hang over a nation or over the entire world. For example, in times that unjust wars are being waged, many people desiring for goodness become a bit depressed and this can be felt by everyone.
Sometimes people cause their own spiritual darkness because they did something that closed their doors of good development. Whenever spiritual darkness hangs over us, it is advisable to check yourself if you haven't caused it yourself.
If spiritual darkness is caused by something outside of yourself, it is essential to not lose your faith in a good God and a good future. It may be necessary to just go through the darkness and when you keep doing what is right, sunnier days will come.
Some people try to escape spiritual darkness by plunging themselves into physical pleasures. That will never solve the problem. Such people may not feel the darkness anymore, but they will get less and less sensitive to spiritual atmospheres and eventually they may lose their desire for spiritual life.
From: Cosmic Eagles - - February 11, 2009
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