Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spiritual eyes

With our physical eyes we see the physical world, which is the world of condensed energies. Everything in the universe is essentially energy. When energy is condensed into particles into atoms into molecules into materials into things with form and shape, we get the physical world as it is known to us.
Already in the physical world we know of the existence of invisible energies. These energies are invisible to our physical eyes, but are not invisible for other instruments. The sun emits ultraviolet light that is invisible for our eyes, but our skin responds to it by getting a tan. One could argue that the skin is a sense that is capable of seeing ultraviolet light. Infrared light is also not visible to our eyes as light, but our whole body acts as a sense and feels infrared light as heat.
Invisible is a very relative concept. What is invisible for our eyes may be visible for other senses. Radioactive energy has a strong impact on our bodies. Also this type of energy cannot be directly seen with the eyes, but we are sure it exists because we have devices, detectors to measure this kind of radiation. People who ignore the presence of radioactivity could get very sick.
Our physical eyes are an instrument to sense certain forms of energy, light within a certain range of frequencies. Our physical ears observe energy with another range of frequencies, which we call sound. Many more kind of energies exists of which our physical body is not immediately aware. A group of these energies exist in the realm of what we call the spiritual world.
Our physical eyes cannot see the spiritual world, as our physical eyes can also not see radioactive beams. That our physical eyes are incapable of seeing the spiritual world doesn't say anything about the existence of a spiritual world. The spiritual world can only be seen with our spiritual eyes. The spiritual world can only be heard with our spiritual ears.
How do we know that we have spiritual eyes and spiritual ears and many more spiritual senses? Our physical senses cannot see the spiritual world and they can therefore also not confirm or deny the existence of a spiritual world. That a deaf person doesn't hear someone screaming fails to prove that nobody is screaming.
Spiritual eyes, like all senses, need training to function properly. Some people see many things in spirit world, for others the spiritual world is non-existent. A certain degree of heredity appears to be involved as well. A musician's ears are trained to hear many details in a music performance. It takes many years for your musical ears to be trained well. It could take much longer to train your spiritual senses.
We do actually have three spiritual eyes. Two of our spiritual eyes are located where our physical eyes are. A third spiritual eye is just above the nose and between the eyebrows. The two normal spiritual eyes see in spirit world what is comparative to what our physical eyes see in the physical world. The normal spiritual eyes can see spirits and things and movements in spirit world. The third eye observes the world of energies. You can see with the third eye while your normal eyes are closed.
This is just an introduction to the topic. To understand more deeply about the functioning of spiritual senses, we should also know more about for example chakras and auras. It's a most lengthy topic.
May 19, 2006

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