Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fighting against bad energies

Bad energies can be a real plague. One would wish that there were a simple solution to not be influenced by them. But it is because of the nature of love that we don't only feel good energies but also bad energies.
Bad energies always are a product of bad love. If people feel something against you or want to do something against you, they send all kind of bad energies, which all are results of hatred or bad love. As far as i know, it is not possible to learn to not feel them. Of course, one can give up spiritual life, become insensitive like a stone and the problem is gone. The more you live in a world of love, the more sensitive you become for bad energies.
You can try to shield yourself off. This helps when you come in a bad environment, but to shield yourself off for a person and having a relation to that same person at the same time is a contradiction.
I heard that some believe that you can digest or eat bad energies with your spiritual stomach. It probably is possible. I never tried it out. I don't want to take in bad energies because they won't make me any better.
To feel bad energy from a person means that you made a relation to that person. If you don't make any relation to that person, his or her bad energies can't come into you. But then you can also not give out love to that person.
Very often the bad energy doesn't come from the person's own spirit, but it comes from evil spirits that haunt, attack or possess the person living in a body. Maybe the spirits use the person to attack you.Sometimes a person near to you is attacked and picked up some of the bad energy. You yourself might pick up bad energy and someone may feel that.
To get rid of the bad energy one has to judge the cause of the energy and the nature of the energy. The cause of the energy is in a person or in one or more spirits. The cause might also be bad objects or places that got filled with bad energy in the past. The nature of the bad energy is the type of self-centeredness, for example, hatred, self-pity, negative thinking, jealousy, etc. Each type of bad energy has its own smell and color. It is part of going the path of development to learn to distinguish these energies. It goes together with experiencing all kind of pains. They are mainly pains of the heart of love.
Some very evil spirits have collected bad energies and stored them on secret places. If they want to attack you for one reason or another, they may use such bad energies against you. It's very difficult to do something against such attacks.

May 16, 2006

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