Thursday, June 18, 2009

The New Cosmos 3: When trusting fails

As a response to my blog/bulletin "The New Cosmos 1: Trust is given" some friends told me about the problem that it is sometimes difficult to trust people. I often get this response when i write about the need to trust others. Many people have frustrating experiences after they gave their trust to friends. Another frequently mentioned problem is that it is difficult to connect to your own heart, that the head seems to take over. What to do when we are getting 'too much in our head' and we find it difficult to trust people?

There are three levels on which this problem can be caused and needs to be solved.

1. Are we having loving relationships with people who are taking advantage of us but we are not enough aware of this? If this is the case, our heart will be influenced and on a subconscious level we might find it hard to trust people. Deep in our heart we know that something is wrong, but we haven't yet made clear where the problem lies.

2. It could be that we are influenced by wrong teaching, or that we misunderstand good teaching. For example there are teachings in the world that profess that all love is good, yet we all know that sometimes people give love in order to tempt us to do something wrong. Some teachings are advocating such kind of love, a love that is not centred on the Creator. These kind of teachings pull us away from our heart of trust and love and makes the intellect to be dominant over the heart.

3. A third level is that of actions. When we speak or write about doing good things but we don't really practice it in our lives, we will find that our intellect takes over more and more. We speak about love and peace but don't really practice it in our own lives. Each of us has a God-given task in life. Only when we are aware of this task and give ourselves for it, we can safeguard the beauty of love that is deep in the heart of each one of us.

Cosmic Eagles - February 6, 2009

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